Met FTDI chip en gratis pakketpost zending
Aangepaste ELM327 OBD2 USB diagnose kabel voor alle Ford en Mazda modellen. Geschikt voor HS CAN en MS CAN protocollen. Let op: Kabel wordt geleverd zonder software.
Geschikt voor o.a. de volgende Software:
Basis functies:
Uitlezen en wissen van foutmeldingen
Aanpassen van de auto configuratie
Uitvoeren van tests
Olie/Service reset
Programmeren van diverse modellen
Lijst met ondersteunde modules (afhankelijk van de software):
FORScan software:
Pin configuraties:
Schakelaar positie 1: HS CAN - Pin 6 en 14
Schakelaar positie 2: MS CAN - Pin 3 en 11
Modified ELM (Engels):
Please note that many Ford and Mazda models (approximately since 2003-2004) are equipped with MS CAN bus, in addition to the regular HS CAN bus. In contrast to HS CAN bus, MS CAN bus is not supported by the stock ELM327, because MS CAN is a manufacturer-specific solution and located on non-OBD2 pins. This ELM327 has been modified to allow it to implement the MS CAN bus.
ELM327 supports HS CAN from the stock, because Ford HS CAN completely matches to the OBD2 standards. It occupies pins 6 and 14. MS CAN bus occupies pins 3 and 11.